Sigma News - June 2023
SN OPEN HOUSE and You’re Invited!
Brothers, family, and friends,
Please plan to attend the OPEN HOUSE of our new facility: September 16, 2023
While the collegiate brotherhood moved into the House in January, 2023, many alumni/campaign supporters have not yet toured our best-in-class facility. Join Us!
On September 16, our official OPEN HOUSE features our new facility [to include all decorations, naming plaques and final touches] and we are eager to share ‘final product’ with alumni, supporters, parents, prospective members, and Stillwater community leaders.
This project - envisioning a beautiful new house with state-of-the-art amenities while honoring treasured traditions - was a spectacular success and many brothers should be congratulated on this mission-critical initiative. Most importantly, we celebrate those brothers which have stepped up with a monetary contributions (see donor list on our campaign site).
‘Our new facility on campus sets the bar for aesthetics, scholarly environment, and exceptional living conditions for our active brotherhood. I am so proud of this important project and our chapter’s leadership’
V. Burns Hargis
As the CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN nears the $7,000,000 mark, please plan on attending our OPEN HOUSE this fall.
Retirement Reception for House Mom Connie Alexander
On the same weekend as our OPEN HOUSE please join active members and alumni to honor our HOUSE MOM CONNIE ALEXANDER: September 16, 2023 at 10:30a.m.
Program, Refreshments and House Tours are on the agenda for all Sigma Nu Brothers; We are eager to formally thank Connie for her years of service helping Epsilon Epsilon remain the top house in the Sigma Nu fraternal organization.
Join Us!
Parents Day/Game Day: Sept 16, 2023
Go POKES! 〰️
Click here to review the Campaign of the Century and our mission-critical project relative to EE’s bright future serving many generations