Sigma News - Oct ‘21

Centennial Celebration Recap

I just want to thank everyone who helped pull everything together and rolled out for the Centennial Celebration weekend! It was just a lot of fun with great weather, golf, tons of stories/ memories told and made, awards received, and history made for our chapter as we celebrated 100 years of Brotherhood at Epsilon Epsilon in Stillwater. I can go on, but the pictures and video can cover the weekend much better. Below are links to some of the pictures taken followed by a link to the video of the banquet. Let us know if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Link to the rest of the pictures:

Link to banquet video (2 hours):

As we hoped, the event was a springboard for us as to the love and pride in our House by our Brotherhood and has generated momentum on contributions to the House project.  Please join the momentum and make a contribution by 11/30/21 (Giving Tuesday) at the following link:

Everyone can and SHOULD DO SOMETHING!!

God bless the Brotherhood of Sigma Nu!


Sigma News - Dec ‘21


Sigma News - May ‘21