Epsilon Epsilon Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity
Groundbreaking Success Continues
Epsilon Epsilon, considered one of the newest and best fraternal chapter houses in the US, continues to be a leading organization!
Thanks to our alumni, we have been fortunate to have spent several semesters in our new chapter home.
This new house has brought us many new opportunities to further the betterment of Epsilon Epsilon. The new house has helped us host awesome events and further our leadership around The University of Oklahoma State!
Thank You, Alumni!
Epsilon Epsilon Members set the bar for leadership in several areas: Student and Fraternal Organizations (IFC, Student Affairs), University (SGA, Top Ten Freshmen, Blue Key Club) and our community at large.
For example and in recent years, Freshman brothers won annual Nuji Cup basketball game (3rd time in the last 4 years), Sigma Nu took 2nd place in Chi Omega Wish Week Philanthropy, we were awarded b best Choreography and Most Entertaining in Freshman Follies and placed 3rd in our Homecoming Deck. Impressively, the Men of Epsilon Epsilon received 5th and 3rd place in grades for the Fall and Spring semester and we have our sights on sustaining our Top Three position among Greek peers.
Brotherhood is a key component of the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter and we take our lifelong bonds seriously. From academic excellence to social functions to campus leadership, we support each other in accomplishing (and more often far exceeding) personal goals and collective objectives. At Sigma Nu, both our Members as well as our distinguished alumni set the example for fraternal brotherhood. Just ask our brother V. Burns Hargis, Oklahoma State University’s 18th President.
Sigma Nu fraternity is an eager, enthusiastic and competitive participant in all OSU activities including the world’s greatest homecoming celebration, intramural athletics, Freshmen Follies, Varsity Review, Spring Sing and a number of philanthropic activities and community events.
Sigma Nu’s social platform is one of the most respected on OSU’s campus. While collegiates are expected to have fun during their typical four year experience, the EE Chapter takes safety and moderation seriously.
From themed date parties, to OSU community functions, to joining up with our peer fraternities, Sigma Nu’s social platform has a rich tradition and new initiates can expect to also enjoy this portion of collegiate life.